It will never matter how many people believe you are capable of great things if one of those people isnt you. - J. Warren Welch

Author pseudonym

Learning is more effective when it is active rather than a passive process. – Kurt Lewin

Rich really rounded out the term well with the last few Edtech topics. Last week was 3D printing, which I flew my nerd flag proudly. Then this week’s topic about video games and learning. I was huge into video games… Continue Reading →

3D printing is already shaking our age-old notions of what can and can’t be made. – Hod Lipson

This week’s Edtech topic of 3D printing released the nerd in me! As it did for a lot of use, I believe. The Zoom chat lit up with great ideas, but it was an easy choice as soon as I… Continue Reading →

What are some phone apps that we can use in the classroom and how can we use them? – Brandon and Kayla

Inquiry question: What are some phone apps that we can use in the classroom and how can we use them? In relation to teaching and learning, embracing cell phones in the classroom can result in increased student participation and inclusivity (King,… Continue Reading →

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

Edcamp? Unconference? What in the what are you talking about?! I was in a complete fog when this topic came up in class (that seems to be a common theme this term, but I guess that means I’m learning). But… Continue Reading →

Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error. – Thomas Jefferson

If I had gone to a fully inquiry-based high school, I would have dropped out in less than a month. That’s not saying inquiry-based schools don’t work or that I don’t believe in their pedagogy; I just know my style… Continue Reading →

Doing exercise without monitoring yourself will be rare in the future of wearable technology. – Astro Teller I know that this post doesn’t necessarily relate to my free inquiry of coaching… or does it?! And I know I already reviewed an app, but I thought that this one could be used as more of a hook… Continue Reading →

If every basketball player worked as hard as I did, I’d be out of a job. – Steve Nash

I couldn’t make a free inquiry blog about basketball and not include my favourite player of all time, Steve Nash. Who, coincidentally, was recently hired as the Brooklyn Nets’ new head coach in the upcoming 2020-21 season. I have actually… Continue Reading →

We’re talking about practice. We’re talking about practice. We ain’t talking about the game. We’re talking about practice, man. – Allen Iverson

Here’s a run-through of my favourite team-building drill for basketball. We ran this drill 2-3 times every practice as either a warm-up or a cool-down… or sometimes both when I played in high school. It was a part of our… Continue Reading →

In basketball — as in life — true joy comes from being fully present in each and every moment, not just when things are going your way – Phil Jackson

For this free inquiry blog post I am going to look back at a book I read a few years ago; the autobiography of Phil Jackson called “Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior.” Phil Jackson is without question… Continue Reading →

I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come – Michael Jordan

I have played basketball pretty much my entire life. I love the sport. I love playing it, I love coaching it, and I love watching it. Growing up, Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson were my idols. I can remember watching… Continue Reading →

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