Edcamp? Unconference? What in the what are you talking about?! I was in a complete fog when this topic came up in class (that seems to be a common theme this term, but I guess that means I’m learning). But this is what I would define it as:
Edcamps are teachers using an open free inquiry-based conference to establish relationships with other teachers, share your strengths and build your weaknesses as an educator, all in the name of professional development and becoming a better teacher for their students.
Educators come to Edcamps to learn and share their personal experiences while engaging with other educators in open discussions and collaborative learning.
I have found that this cohort and the way we’ve created Facebook groups and messenger groups and, unintentionally, in-class breakout rooms, we’ve created an always open Edcamp. Chalk it up to having to adapt to pandemic-times. Still, I feel we have all really bonded and developed great relationships that have provided us with a large pool of knowledge. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been in a zoom breakout room, and the topic gets railroaded by someone’s personal inquiry about how to be a better teacher. It’s openly met with group sharing and empathetic conversation. They’ve been enriching, even if it wasn’t me that started the conversation.
I think it’s helped us get to know one another better and certainly developed some lasting relationships. I have countless times reached out to my peers through Facebook to ask their insight into a topic or inquiry about teaching. The willingness and gratefulness that my fellow cohort have in helping and sharing their experiences are motivating.
I know these examples don’t necessarily qualify as an Edcamp, but I think the outcome and intent are the same. I will be using my friends and peers as a learning tool far beyond this PDP program, and I can’t think of a better resource for becoming a better teacher. But then again, I haven’t been to an actual Edcamp. Hopefully, when the pandemic is over, I will get that opportunity. And I hope I see most of my cohort there!
I thought this video was a great pitch. Can I sign up to be the DJ at the introduction seminar that gets to use the?!?!?!
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