I couldn’t make a free inquiry blog about basketball and not include my favourite player of all time, Steve Nash. Who, coincidentally, was recently hired as the Brooklyn Nets’ new head coach in the upcoming 2020-21 season. I have actually had the opportunity to hang with Steve Nash twice. The first time I was at a Vikes basketball practice (maybe cause a friend, and inside hook-up told me he would be there) and I got to rebound and pass balls to him during his post-practice shooting regiment. Which was about the same length and intensity as the team practice he just finished. I also got to sit and have some beers with him and Trevor Linden in a golf clubhouse (also an inside friend hook-up). He is such a kind and humble man. You felt inspired by just being in his presence. Anyways, man crush and idol aside. Here is a sketch-note page I did of his career from a couple hours on Wikipedia and nba.com.
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